PRC RE magnet export value jumps 25% yoy; PRC EV makers order ships for boosting exports; Price-standoff; Quest for NdFeB substitutes; EU statistics tortured; Billionaires plough into RE;
Xi's foe Jiang dies; Iceberg rams AREC; China RE Group sign with Hunan govt; OZ govt pondering keeping China out; Mongolia and Japan agree RE coop; Wyoming invest in REEMF; Neo overstreches?;
Breakthrough in IAC?; ASM's risk-debacle; Torngat's logistics; Arafura sign Hyundai; LKAB acquire REEtec majority; Harena (IonicRe?) pursue Reenova; FBI pursues Quadrant; Neo's share price plunges;
Outages in China; Triumph & Terror; Kennedy strikes again; Breton's misrepresentation; A NdFeB super-nova?; Tantalus odyssey continues; Geomega report; Lynas tough quarter; Iluka team up with NTU;
MOUs and off-takes; China: Zero-COVID continues, carbon-neutral doesn't; Sanctions; Minmetals rename; Malaysia's RE (again); Peak & Shenghe; Rainbow's PEA; Lynas, MP, Neo, Hastings and the lot;
PRC RE-related output H1 2022 and Quota; The Also-Rans; F-35 production stopped for Chinese SmCo magnets; US/EU-Rare Earth Policy; MP's case; Shenghe investor call; Neo's poison pill;
Divided States of America; China draught/power crisis hits RE and EV; Oaktree exit rare earth; Neo enter RE mining; Vital's pigs breakfast; Prices bounce back (perhaps);
Do the US finally get it?; Myanmar: The Sacrifice Zone and who is next: Malaysia; China's RE exports H1 2022; Marvel eject; Lindian settle; Prices keep falling;
PRC Minster of Industry sacked; China's RE Imports; Energy Fuels respond; Arul & GE get engaged; Turkey's RE hoax; GGG disappoint; Departure at ASM; GKN go NdFeB; Prices head south;
TREO's 100th issue; Rainbow loosen Gordian Knot; NioCorp's latest FS; Imperial Mining's PEA; No FS from Mkango; Turkey's Bastnaesite; Shenghe's record profits; Prices go flat;
The Big Picture; More RE Hype; Prime-Cut All-American BS; China orders hapless attack on Western Rare Earth Companies; Lynas, Search Minerals, Energy Fuels, PVW, MP, Iluka and more.
China Quota Gap explained; REE KPIs for Investment; Xinjiang Lithium; Malaysia IAC Deposits; Indonesia focus on RE; Lynas record result potential; Uganda: Ionic cause landgrab; Endgame strategies;
Kebaowek vs Vital; Q1 RE-related China output Q1; Car Sales plunge; China Encourages FDI in RE; IREL get Tamil Nadu Licence; The Greenland Case; Neo Report Q1; NioCorp's Rare Earths; Prices bounce.
Don Quixote; China RE Imports Q1 Drop 30%; Lockdown suffocates RE demand; Metals for Clean Energy; Australia-Canada-US deals; Prices fall;
Shanghai Infinite Lockdown; Price Conundrum Solved; Japan's Falling RE Demand; EV in Trouble; Iluka Bulldoze Jr Miner Space; Geomega Progress; Myanmar, again; MP Lawsuit; And more.
Trust is no entitlement; Russia, Ukraine and RE; Capex Dumping is out, Recycling is in; Global RE Summit; Neo's Record Results; LKAB, Mkango, Peak, Ionic, and others.
China at RE Limits?; Minmetals' Jianghua Open; Shenghe invest in Peak; Steenkampskraal go for IPO; Departures at Ucore's IMC; Hitachi Metals Delay; Jim Kennedy Presents; Quebec supports Geomega;
On China: RE-Related Output 2021, RE 5-Year Plan, First Half 2022 Quota, 2021 RE Imports & Exports; Funds Flee RE Sector; Murky Quadrant; ASM's Uranium; January RE Stock Performance;
Black RE-Friday; US RE-Dependency; EU-Commission Goes Nuclear; Apple Buy Rare Earths; Critical Materials Corner; E-Tech De-Risked?; Deposit Flipping; Bitcoin meets Rare Earths?; Ucore, DEFN, et al.
China Rare Earth Group Details; China's Multi-Agency for RE Resource Leverage; Lynas PDF Approved; 2 New Kids On The Block; No NdFeB for Toyota in Future; IREL under Investigation.