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The Rare Earth Observer is one of the premier publications for analysing and understanding global rare earth elements trends.

It enjoys a large readership from all parts of the world as its content covers many aspects of REE trade, production, regulation and market analysis.

Essence: What you always wanted to know about rare earth and never dared asking.

More than 200 rare earth deposits in different stages of development all over the planet. 23 billion tons of mineable resource containing 200 million tons of rare earth oxides equivalent, good for 450 years of current world consumption.

A holistic approach to the confusing world of rare earths. Cut through the information fog of sponsored news, outdated market reports, hyped non-news, fraudulent statements and outright lies.

Properly understand what “investment opportunities” junior rare earth miners really are and encounter great learning opportunities.

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A newsletter on all things rare earth in irregular intervals with no claim to political correctness. We and contributors may or may not have business dealings or hold shares in companies discussed.


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